Here is my interview with Paradise Oskar. En svensk version av intervjun hittar du HÄR.
It’s a few months since Eurovision Song Contest. What have you been doing after Düsseldorf?
I have done gigs around Finland and tried to find some time to relax and revert to normal life.. It was rather hectic before and during Eurovision.
What is you best memory from Eurovision?
If I mention one thing it’s the positive energy which ran through the whole arrangement. The people and the atmosphere were unique and I have never experienced anything similar.
Anything you found less positive?
I wouldn’t say so. As an artist I prefer to perform live and in Düsseldorf I did many sing-back performances. But so it is and I focused on the positive things.
Do you think Eurovision is good for your career?
Absolutly. There are very few events where it’s possible to get so much attention. A lot of people know now who I am and also that I wrote the song myself. It’s a good experience and good for my CV.
Anything special you learnt that you will bring with you in the future?
Be yourself. Even if people try to convert you or steer you into a certain direction, it’s important to do things according to what feels alright for yourself.
Your first album ”Sunday Songs” was released in May. How is it going?
The album release was in connection with Eurovision and it got less attention because of the Eurovision focus. Now I’m touring around and more and more people discover that I have an album and many more songs than “Da Da Dam”. As a musician I work continuously to bring out my music.
Have you been on any charts here in Finland?
”Sunday Songs” reached number four on the album chart which is quite good considering it’s an English album. Usually it is the Finnish albums that reach the top-positions.
Will you continue to use Paradise Oskar as your alias?
It’s not necessary for me to keep Paradise Oskar. It would be interesting to change into a new alias for each album. On the other hand it’s easier for the audience if the album would be name as Paradise Oskar volume 1, volume 2 etc. We will see…
Do people mix up Paradise Oskar with Axel Ehenström?
People who know me, see me as Axel. Those who don’t know me might believe that Paradise Oskar is some kind of superstar or rock-star. It’s quite interesting to act, and communicate, via a media person as Paradise Oskar. Nobody knows anything about his private life – because he hasn’t got one.
Did you feel like a ’superstar’ when you came back from Düsseldorf?
That feeling was closer during Eurovision. The weekend I arrived home, Finland won the world championship in ice hockey. That was a big thing and the ice hockey team got the full media focus. I could quickly return to normal life, which I was happy for.
Would you like to participate in Eurovision Song Contest again?
I like the concept and Eurovision was a fantastic two weeks ‘once-in-a-life-time-happening’. I would not mind writing songs for others but I do not want to participate as an artist. It’s a lot of show biz and stuff around which are not really ‘me’.
What about your future plans?
I will continue my studies and to write new songs. Hopefully people will like them so I can earn my living from music.
During the concert in Jakobstad we had the possibility to listen to one brand new song named “Robert’s Street”.
The interview was done 22 July in cooperation with, and Radio International.
Visit Paradise Oskar’s web site:
Photo, video: Lilian