The Rio-Antirio bridge is a cable-stayed bridge linking the cities of Rio, near to Patra, and Antirio on the western mainland Greece. I call it the “Anna Vissi bridge”. Check the video clip of her Eurovision entry 2006 “Everything”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykieAsZsvOE
Måndagens underhållning / Monday’s entertainment:
Dagen var mulen och vi förärades med några häftiga regnskurar vilket är ganska ovanligt för årstiden. Det passade alldeles ypperligt eftersom jag behövde göra en uppryckning av mina naglar. Jag hade assistans av mina side-kicks, Rotis och Thanassis, som intresserat deltog i hur processen framskred. Herrarna hade redan innan bestämt sig för en rosaaktig färg men efter att ha testat 5-6 olika nyanser enades vi till slut om en somrigt röd färg med lite silverglitter ovanpå. Alla tre blev ytterst nöjda med resultatet.
The day was cloudy and we got some heavy rain showers – quite unusual for the time of the year. It was a perfect day for refreshing my nails. I had assistance of my two side-kicks, Rotis and Thanassis, who showed a great interest in the nail process. The gays had already decided for a pinkish color but after testing 5-6 different tints we ended up with a summer-kind-of-red with a coat of silver glitter. All three of us were very satisfied with the result.
Tisdagens utmaning / Tuesday’s challange:
Att tillreda en grekisk höna som Nisos fått av en patient. Detta fågelfä var visserligen plockad och innankråmet borttaget men det var nog så komplicerat ändå. Största problemet var knivarna. Jag säger det igen - åk aldrig någonstans utan att ta med en egen ordentlig kniv. Förr eller senare hamnar man i köket (i alla fall jag) och upptäcker att knivbeståndet är under all kritik. Skinnet på dessa flygande varelse är ju dessutom rätt segt. Med hjälp av sax och andra verktyg lyckades jag få höna i mindre bitar så att den åtminstone fick plats i en kastrull. Det färdiga resultatet smakade ypperligt och tur var väl det. MEN – i fortsättningen föredrar jag kycklingfilé. Med andra ord: ”Gör inte en höna av en fjäder”.

To prepare a hen that Nisos got from a patient. This bird-kind-of-thing was of course without feathers and the inside was rather “clean”, but still it became complicated, because of the knives. I say it again – never go anywhere without an own proper knife. Sooner or later you end up in the kitchen (at least I) and you will discover that the collection is worth to criticize. The skin of our flying friends is rather tough but with help of a scissor and other tools I managed to get the hen into a saucepan. The readymade dish became delicious after all BUT in the future I will go for chicken filet. With other words: “Do not make a mountain out of a molehill”
Onsdagens upplevelse / The Wednesday’s experience:

To pay the parking fine we got on Monday because of my nails. Payment via internet is not a success in this country yet. Nor you can pay a fine by visiting a bank. The payment has to be done directly to the municipal of Patra. Finally I found the office and the next step is to find out the procedure. Part 1 was the man, who used one of his index fingers, to look for the fine in his computer. I got a paper from him which I took to the next counter. The woman changed it into two receipts. Then I continue with part 3, to the next counter where I got the two receipts stamped. Finally I can also pay here and I get one of the stamped receipts in return. But the positive thing is that if you pay on time, within 10 days, you get a fine discount of 50%! I paid only 10€ instead of 20€. As always there are “two sides of the coins”.
DN’s Bevara-ord-kampanj
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